




高中教案英语模板及范文 篇1



“读前”(Pre-reading)设计了三个有关旅行和南北极的问题,具体涉及极地探险、动物等内容, 能够诱发学生的探索精神和想象力。通过学生的讨论、探究,自主地发现下面阅读故事的背景,有助于学生正确理解文章的深层意思,真正体会主人公Helen Thayer的伟大。

“阅读”(Reading)材料是一篇记叙文,故事描叙的是作者Helen Thayer在她60岁时,独游南极洲的冒险经历。在恶劣多变的气候条件及险恶的地理状况中,作者在危急关头,虽感孤独恐惧,但表现出冷静、顽强、乐观的态度,最后克服险境。对学生今后的人生道路、心理素质、生活态度起到了陶冶和积极的导向作用。

Teaching Aims:

1 Train the students’reading ability.

2 Learn and master the following words and phrases;

1) Words: mile Antarctic threaten optimistic somehow shelter regret extreme climate value

2) Phrases: struggle through threaten to do sth lie down be thankful for in good health struggle to one’s feet make a decision

Teaching Important Points:

1. Improve the students’ reading ability.

2. Enable the student to understand the text better.

3. Let the students have strong wills and determination by reading the passage.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to improve the students’reading ability.

2. The use of some useful expressions.

Teaching Methods:

1. Discussion before reading to make the students be interested in what they learn in class.

2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

3. Careful reading to answer some detailed questions.

4. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a map of the world

2. a tape recorder

3. a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greeting and speech

Greet the students as usual and the student who is on duty give a speech before class.

Step II Lead-in

1 Do you like travelling ?

Where do you like to travel best ?

How will you travel ?

2 Imagine you are traveling alone to the South Pole, what will you take with you ?

3 Why do polar bears never eat penguins ?

Step III Fast – reading

高中教案英语模板及范文 篇2

















高中教案英语模板及范文 篇3


本单元的中心话题是Good manners,这是一个亘古及今且永恒的话题。但在我们这一单元中,Good manners 都有些什么内容呢?中外文化中对Good manners 的理解、体现有什么异同?我们该怎么做、做什么才能成为一个受人欢迎、具有Good manners 的人呢?单元中十一个板块的相关话题的设计及语言材料的选编无不紧紧扣着这个中心。从日常生活中看似虽小但能触及心灵的情景及行为,如道歉、书面致谢;东西方餐桌礼仪;域外风俗礼节等,都作了详尽的诠释,所有这些为我们提供的不仅是充实的英语语言知识和综合语言运用技能训练的内容,更重要的是学生学习这一单元的整个过程也是他们陶冶情操、规范行为、发展心智的过程,这对他们身心的发展会产生较强的感染作用,有助于他们人文素养的整体提高和跨文化意识的加强。

“热身”(Warming up)部分设计了学生学习生活中及日常生活中经常发生的四幅画面:上课迟到、打断别人说话、排队买饭时不小心雨伞戳着别人、商店里排队付款一男士推开两顾客从他们中间穿过,顾客生气质问男士。让学生学会道歉,学会讲礼貌。这部分的目的是,引出中心话题Good manners,帮助学生明白讲礼貌会使我们人际之间关系和谐融洽,甚至会化干戈为玉帛;同时复习或学习一些致歉语和必要的答语。

“听力”(Listening)部分提供了一段两朋友间的对话,一朋友不打招呼骑走了另一朋友的自行车,并且把它弄丢了。怎么办?当然是道歉。这个听力练习要求学生通过听学会对发生了这种事情后的道歉表达和更高姿态的回响,使道歉者释然。以此了解英语国家人士语言的得体性、思维的方式与习惯表达方法,培养学生跨文化交际的意识。如 “I guess it wasn’t really your fault, was it?” , “ That’s OK. Forget it. It was an old bike anyway.”

“口语”(Speaking)部分提供的是三组文字情景,要求学生在前面“热身”和“听力”的基础上,以双人对话的活动形式体现情景,训练学生在比较真实的情景中口头表达能力和丰富他们有关道歉的语汇,包括词和句型。充分展示具备Good manners者解决问题、处理尴尬场面的风采。

“读前”(Pre-reading)部分设计了四个情景:1)At a dinner party, 2)Greeting your teacher, 3)Receiving your birthday present, 4)Paying a visit to a friend’s house, 以小组活动的形式讨论并写下在中国文化中以上情景有礼有节的一些规矩,这一活动的目的是不仅要调用学生已有的直接和间接的体现Good manners 的生活经验,加深对我们中国是文明礼仪之邦的认识,而且激活学生的思维,自然过度到下一步的 “Reading”--- 西方文化、餐饮礼仪。



“语言学习”(Language study)分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分有构词法知识,前缀in-, im-, un-, non- 和练习部分词汇的一篇与课文主题相关的短文。引导学生通过短文提供的生动语境培养自己理解和记忆单词的能力。语法项目是定语从句,这是继前面两单元后第三次出现,不属新的语法知识。非限制性定语从句第一次介入。语法第一部分提供的限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的例句比较和说明,可供学生自主学习,让学生探究发现两种定语从句的不同形式和含义。第二部分着重检验学生运用两种定语从句拓展句子的能力。

“综合技能”(Integrating skills)设计了一个很实用的写作任务:写感谢信。这个设计包括读和写。阅读部分的内容是一封感谢信的范例;写作部分的任务是:对老师的帮助、父母的关心支持、朋友的真诚、收到生日礼物等写一封感谢信。通过这一活动,让学生明白对他人的帮助心存感激,无疑是一种美德,一种素养。



二.课时安排:6 课时。

The First Period: Warming up and Listening

The Second Period: Speaking

The Third Period and Fourth Periods: Pre-reading, Reading and Post-reading

The Fifth Period: Language Study

The Sixth Period:Integrating Skills


The First Period


To focus on talking about good manners as warming up and listening practice.

To learn to express apologies and responses to apologies.

To arouse students’ interest in learning good manners through various activities in class.


I. Warming up


1.以旧带新,先入为主,根据学生自己的体验和理解,列举Good manners 的事例。

2.知错并向人道歉是Good manners 的行为之一。引入道歉用语,借书中情景和额外补充的各种情景反复演练,使学生能将这些礼貌用语娴熟地运用于生活之中。




1. T: We like people with good manners. We don’t like people with bad manners.

Well, what are good manners in your opinions? For example,Is it good manners to take your classmate’s bicycle without telling him?

Of course it’s ( not) good manners to do…./ that….

Group work: Make a list of at least four things which are good manners in our daily life.

2. What should we do at least to be good manners if we do something wrong?

Making an apology? And how to express your apologies? What expressions do you use to apologize?

(Excuse me/ I’m sorry./ I am terribly sorry/ Please forgive me...)

3. Look at the four pictures in the text. Complete the dialogues with proper words according to the situations given.

4. Here are some more similar situations. Please make similar dialogues in pairs to drill the expressions of apologies.

Situation one: You go to the teachers’ office to hand in your homework, but your teacher is talking with one of her colleague. You interrupt them.

Situation tw You are late for the school gathering and all your classmates are waiting for you at the bus station. You explain that you had a flat tyre. Your classmates forgive you and tell you not to worry.

Situation three: When you are walking in the streets, you step onto someone’s toes and this person is a bit angry. He reminds you to be careful next time.

Situation four: You are playing basketball and suddenly the ball hit someone passing by. The person is very angry with you.

5. In fact, if you can apologize probably after you do something wrong, others will still have a good impression of you. On the other hand, your proper response to an apology also shows you are a person with good manners.

Well, what’s your response to the following apologies?

1) I’m sorry, Sam. I stepped on your pen and broke it. I didn’t see it on the floor.

______________________________. ( It’s OK. I have another pen.)

2) I’m sorry, Mr. Tan, I didn’t complete my homework. I was not feeling well last night.


(Are you feeling better now? You may hand in your homework tomorrow.)

6. Do you think it good manners to make an apology to people in time if you have done something wrong? Please describe the situation last time when you made an apology to others.

What did you say to express your apologies? What was the other’s response?

Did he / she accept your apology? Do you think him a person with good manners?

Why (not)?

II. Listening

1. Listening in SB.

遵循step by step 的原则,分听前(Pre-listening)、听时(While-listening)和听后(Post-listening) 三步走,并设计各个步骤的任务型活动,使整个听力目标明确,中心话题更为突出。

Pre-listening: Go over the six questions or sentences and guess in pairs if the persons in the listening have good manners or not. Why do you think so?

While-listening: Answer the questions and complete the six sentences.

Post-listening questions:

Has anything similar happened to you? What was the situation? How did you deal with it?

Do you think you’re a person with good manners? In what ways?

2. Listening in WB. P.115

Listen to the tape and finish the exercises in it.

The Second Period


To focus on oral practice --- Speaking.

The students are to use the expressions of apologies and possible answers freely through some situations.

They are enabled to solve some simulating problems about good manners and bad manners.


I. Elicit the expressions of apologies and possible answers through the situations which might happen to the teacher himself / herself.

The teacher is a bitl late for the class.

The teacher carelessly knocks down a student’s booksl on the table.

The teacher blames some student wrongly for not …l

1. T: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to …. Now I apologize for my …

S: Oh, that’s all right.


2. T: What do you think of me since I made an apology for what I did?

What if I didn’t apologize to you for what I did?

就老师的行为让学生评说会更加激发学生说的兴趣,还会使学生具备一定的Good manners 的尺度标准。同时,为后面学生自己如何表现出文明礼貌、“问题”如何解决作准备。

3. T: What would you do in the following situations, so as to show you have good manners?


II. Role-play: Problem solving


Survey and Interview about relationship between neighbors.

In your group of four, one acts as a journalist, interviewing separately the other three who are neighbors about their relationship in between. Each neighbor talks about their good or bad relationship between each other and tells the reasons for it. One or two of the neighbors have some problems, and they can’t get on well with each other. The journalist reports it to the neighborhood committee and they try to solve it.

我们中国人用自己的Good manners的尺度标准,处理好邻里之间的关系。世界其他各国对Good manners 的尺度标准是否都一样?

III. Discussion P.116

IV. Conclusion:

Different countries have different standards of good manners. But people all over the world will appreciate those who are kind and helpful to others and the things that are beautiful and true.

The Third and Fourth Periods


To get to know the western table manners.

To learn some useful expressions about table manners.

To compare Chinese table manners with western table manners.


I. Pre-reading tasks:

其目的是激活学生已有的相关背景知识,启发学生思维和想象,活跃课堂气氛,使学生很快融入课堂教学内容。如借助图片或Powerpoint, 以小组竞赛的形式复习有关中外餐桌上食物、餐具的一些单词;以小组讨论的形式重温文明礼仪之邦的中国在待人接物、餐桌礼仪方面的独特习俗;最后聚焦于西方的餐桌礼仪。三项任务一步一步地扣上下一步的阅读内容。

高中教案英语模板及范文 篇4


Where did you go on vacation?


1. 知识与技能目标:

(1) 能正确听、说、读、写词汇stayed,went, visited等。

(2)正确听、说、读、写句型Where did you/she/he go on vacation? I/she/he went to ….

2. 过程与方法目标:

(1) 能用英语询问别人在假期做了什么,描述自己在假期做了什么。

(2) 运用知识与生活情境相结合的方法,培养学生正确与人沟通的能力。

3. 情感态度与价值观目标:



1.教学重点:能正确听、说、读、写句型—Wheredid sb. go on vacation? —Sb. went to sp.



Step 1 greeting

Step 2 lead in— aninvestigation about students’ vacations.

Step 3 presentation—showsome pictures to students, and ask them some questions about them.

Step 4 practice—studentsmake up dialogues.

Step 5 review— analyzethe rule of the sentences and read these sentences.

Step 6 homework—write ashort article to introduce your vacation.


Where did you go on vacation?

He went to Shanghai.

She went to Sydney.sb. + went to + sp.

I went to the mountains.

高中教案英语模板及范文 篇5


I. 单词和词组

permission, nation,reduce, fetch, compare, therefore, remain, dislik, share, persuade, hardly, go ahead, burn down, compared to, give up, call for, be used to, get into the habit of

II. 日常交际用语


May / Could / Can I do that?

I wonder if I can do that.

Would / Do you mind if I come earlier?

Will you tell me if can go now?


Yes, please. / Of course. / Sure. / Certainly.

Go ahead, please.

That’s all right. / OK.

It’s all right to me.


I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed here.

You’d better not.

I’m afraid not. It’s not right.





The main dialogue of this unit is to practise the students how to ask for permission, refuse and give permission ability. Though learning the way of expressing are able to remind the students speaking in daily life. This dialogue is the main idea to learn to use these phrase for permission. Though two men’s talking. Meanwhile this lesson offer some practice to help the students to understand and learn about the content of the dialogue. In order to master these phases, this lesson has short dialogue to give the students to speak each other.


h fire与be on fire

1)catch fire:begin to burn着火;烧着。catch fire有动态含义,揩“开始燃烧”。


Paper catches fire easily.纸容易着火。

The bed clothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down.铺盖着火了,整个房子都可能烧掉。

2)be on fire:be burning着火;失火。 be on fire有静态含义,指“燃烧的状态”。


The house was on fire.房子着火了。

She woke up at midnight and found the kitchen on fire.她半夜醒来发现厨房失火了。

高中教案英语模板及范文 篇6





1.aims of knowledge(知识目标)

1) to know the information about art

2) to know some relevant words and expressions

2.aims of abilities(能力目标)

1) to improve students' listening ability by guessing the content and setting down the key words

2) to enable the students to understand the brief short history of the traditional chinese painting

3.affective aims(情感、态度与价值观目标)

to arouse the patriotic spirit of the students and improve their team spirit by doing the group work




1.students-centered teaching

以学生为中心 让学生积极参与课堂

2.task-based teaching



1. to know about the traditional chinese art

2. to set down the key words while listening





step1:warming up

(1) show the art works of fruit

(2) brainstorming

(3) enjoy a video of chinese painting

(4) learn the brief history of chinese painting


q1. what do you think of it?

q2.do you feel happy after seeing them?

q3.can you think of any other art styles?


step2: pre-listening

talk about the artworks and guess what period of chinese history each artwork belongs to .

preview the relevant words and expressions




step3: first-listening

put the words of time into order




listen again and take some notes for the detailed information( who &when)




step5: game time (江南style)



step6: conclusion and evaluation


让学生反思的过程其实是让学生做自我评估,对自己的英语学生有一个及时的了解。对教师课堂效率的提高有一 定帮助。

高中教案英语模板及范文 篇7











1、学会阅读的技能——scanningand skimming 。











1、训练scanningand skimming等阅读技能。














一节课的良好开始,对于整节课教学的顺利进行起着至关重要的作用。在Warming up部分我分四步进行:

1、用问问题的形式导入(屏幕显示)。同时板书Unit 1 Friendship。

Do you have any friends? Are you good to your friends?

Which kind of friend do you think is the best friend?

2、做调查:在Warming up部分有5个问题,我让学生独立完成。然后在屏幕上显示下列表格。


Grade 1 (5分以下)直截了当,做事果断,没考虑不良后果。

Grade 2 (10分以下)能用更合理的方法处理问题,又不伤朋友之间的感情,但自己的利益有时会受损。

Grade 3 (10分以上)不伤感情,又能保全自己利益。



A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真朋友。

Real friends are few and far between.知音难得。

Long distance separates no bosom friends.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。





Why do you need friends?

What do you think a good friend should be like?

高中教案英语模板及范文 篇8







高中教案英语模板及范文 篇9



同学们通过本单元课文“A Problem For The Detective”,可以看到课文中所鞭挞的尔虞我诈的丑恶现象,同时受到深刻的教育。为人要诚实,遵纪守法,要有社会道德。


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

step (vi .) will (n .) step-mother , check out , afterwards , go through , look into , build up , wealthy , divided up , anyway , private , left-handed , right-handed , brief , to the point , foresee , instruct , signature

Ⅱ. 交际英语

Possibility and impossibility

I / She / He may (not ) do ….

2. It is likely that … . / It is possible that … . / She is not likely to do … .

3. Can this building be 17th century ?

4. Do you mind if I bring a friend along with me next time ?

5. Will / Would you be able to come to the Party ?

6. Would it be possible to do … ?

7. It looks as if / though it might rain later .

8. We’ll probably do … . / I doubt if … .

9. It appears to me that we’ll have to go on foot .

10. That’s / It’s quite impossible . / It’s very unlikely . / That’s hardly possible . / That’ll never happen . / Probable not .

Ⅲ. 语法学习


限定词 (all , twice , a , this , my , each , three , last )→ 强化形容词(certain , perfect , complete , slight , extreme)→ 描绘性或者主观评价或者质量形容词(expensive , beautiful , fine , brave , dirty)→ 表示大、小、长、短、高低的形容词(large , small , little , long , short , tall , high)→ 表示形状的形容词(round , straight , aquare , flat) → 表示年龄、新旧的形容词(old , young , new , modern)→ 表示颜色的形容词(如:red , green , brown)→ 表示国家、出处、来源的形容词(French , Chinese) → 表示物质、材料的形容词(wooden , stone , plastic , brick)→ 表示用途、类别的形容词(medical , sports , evening , story)→ 名词 。


表示原因和进行意义的介词 (短语)


1 . because of 表示引起结果的直接原因,意义与连词 because 相同。

He retired last month because of illness / because he ill .

2 . for 表示内在的、心理上的原因,常与表示喜、怒、哀、乐等情感名词连用;还可表示某种动作或结果的'起因。而连词 for 则表示某种结果的补充理由或显而易见的原因。

a ) He trembled for fear .

b ) Thank you for your help .

c ) When he was still a young man , he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons .

3 . by 表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。

a ) Her body was bent by age .

b ) The general died by his own hand .

c ) She took your umbrella by mistake .

4 . at 表示某种情绪或动作的原因,多与“喜,怒,哀,乐”等义的词连用,常译作“听到……”,“看到……”。

a ) The whole nation was in deep sorrow at the news .

b ) He jumped at the news .

5 . on 表示能作为依据或条件的原因,常译为“依照……”。

He has given up smoking on medical advice .

6 . of 和 from 表原因时常与 die 类似意义的词连用。die of 指因疾病,冻饿,或害怕,羞愧等内因或外因造成的死亡。与疾病名词连用时,二者均可。from 还可表示懒惰等造成某种后果的原因。

a ) His son having been killed in the war , the man died of a broken heart .

b ) In big cities during cold winter months , many old people die from the polluted air .

c ) She died of / from cancer .

d ) He wasn‘t ill ; he stayed in bed from laziness .

7 . with 指生理上或情感上的由外界到内心的原因,意为“随着……”。

a ) The man bent with age .

b ) He turned red with anger .

8 . in 表示引起某种状态或过程的原因。

a ) He is rolling on the floor in pain .

b ) He rejoiced in his own success .

9 . owing to,相当于 because of , 多表示引起某不良后果的原因。

a ) Owing to the rain they could not come .

b ) Owing to his lacking on experience , John failed this time .

注:owing to 也可表示“欠……钱”之意

How much is he owing to you ?

10 . thanks to 表示引起某种幸运结果的原因,常译为“幸亏……,多亏……”。

Thanks to the timely rain , the farmer had a good harvest .

11 . out of 表示动机的起因,常译为“出于……”。

a ) He asked the question out of curiosity .

b ) He did it out of pity .

12 . through 多表示因局部而影响全局的原因。

The war was lost through bad organization . 战争因组织不周而失败了。


1 . at + ( the ) + 名词:at table ( 在用餐 ) ,at war ( 战时 ) ,at peace ( 和平时期 ) ,at press ( 正在排印 ) ,at one ’ s meals ( 在吃饭 ) ,at one ‘ s study ( 在学习 ) ,at work ( 在工作 ) ,at the piano ( 在弹钢琴 ) , at the end ( of ) ( 在结束时 ) 。例如:

a ) These boys are at play ( = playing ) .

b ) The surgeon fainted at the operation .

2 . in + ( the ) + 名词:in reading ( 正在阅读 ) ,in politics ( 从事政治活动 ) ,in the course of ( 在……过程中 ) ,in the act of ( 正在做某事 ) 。例如:

a ) The flowers are in full bloom ( = fully blooming ) .

b ) He was in the army .

3 . on + ( the ) + 名词:on duty ( 在值日 ) ,on business ( 在办事 ) ,on guard ( 在值勤 ) ,on leave ( 在休假 ) ,on a walk ( 在散步 ) ,on watch ( 在了望 ) ,on service ( 在服役 ) ,on holiday ( 在度假 ) ,on strike ( 在罢工 ) ,on sale ( 出售 ) ,on loan ( 出借 ) ,on the boil ( 〈水〉正在开 ) ,on the move ( 在移动,搬迁,离开 ) ,on the march ( 在行军 ) ,on the watch / look - out ( 在警戒 ) , on the flow ( 在涨潮 ) ,on the turn ( 在转折中 ) ,on the wing flying ( 在飞行中 ) ,on the advance / rise ( 〈行市〉看涨 ) ,on the increase ( 正在增加 ),on the go ( 正在活动,正在奔走 ) ,on the air ( 正在广播 ) ,on the fly ( 正在飞行 ) ,on the way ( 在途中 ) 。

a ) The house is on fire .

b ) They saw the enemy soldiers on the run . ( = running )

4 . under + ( the ) + 名词:under the doctor ( 在医生的照顾下 ) ,under test / exam ( 在被测试 ) ,under development ( 在发展中 ) ,under construction ( 在建设中 ) ,under repair ( 在修理中 ) ,under consideration ( 在考虑中 ) ,under observation ( 在观察中 ) ,under discussion ( 正在被讨论 ) ,under the agreement ( 根据协议 ) ,under orders ( 听从命令 ) 。

a ) He is working under my father .

b ) Several new railways are under construction in China .




1. wealthy富裕的,富有的,有钱的

He succeeded in business and was very wealthy

高中教案英语模板及范文 篇10


















高中教案英语模板及范文 篇11

一、 教学内容:

牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (上)




High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!高中是探索、学习和辛勤劳动的时期

Huge campus and low-rise building 学校面积大,没有高层建筑。

Twelve laboratories are available for different experiments.12个实验室可供不同试验使用。

Each room comes with its own bothroom and Internet access.每个房间都有自己的卫生间和英特网接口。





access achieve attend assembly article available average canteen club challenging context donate display experience extra graduate gym heading locker low-rise literature poster relax


class teacher 班主任

at ease with 和….相处不拘束

school hours学校作息时间

earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬

sound like听起来象

for free 免费 get a general idea 了解大意

as well as 除….以外, 也

key words 关键词

word by word 逐字逐句地

find one’s way around 认识路

develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣

surf the Internet网上冲浪


1. What is your dream school life like?


这里 dream 表示心目中最理想的. 如 dream team (梦之队)。

2. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.


Going 在本句里作动名词,它和后面的to a British high school for one year构成动名词短语作句子的主语。Go to a British high school本来是个动词词组,在go 后面加上ing 后,它就具备名词的特性可以在句子中充当主语、宾语或表语。

动词的现在分词和过去分词都可以作定语,但所表达的意思不同, 现在分词作定语常表示“令人…”、“正在….”;例如exciting news, sleeping dog; 过去分词则有被动或完成的意思,常表示“感到….的”、“被….的”,例如: an excited crowd of people, broken heart.

3. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m.


Be happy with=be pleased with, around=about。

4. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.


as adv.同样地, 被看作, 象


conj.与...一样, 当...之时, 象, 因为

本单元多次出现as, 用法各不相同,应注意比较。另外as 还可以构成一些常用词组:as if就好像, as far as就….而言, so as to以便于, as for至于, such as例如,等等。

mean: 意味着, 后面通常加名词或宾语从句。例如:

The attack of Pear Harbor meant a declaration of war with the United States.

The raise of salary means that I can send my daughter to a better school.

5. He also told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.


The best way to do sth is to…..结构用来表达做某事的最好方法是….., 例如:

The best way to learn English is to use it as often as possible.

6. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English.


As…..as, 中间加形容词或副词,一般要连接两个相同的句子成分, 请比较下面两句话:

You hate him as much as I (=You hate him as much as I hate him).

You hate him as much as me(=You hate him as much as you hate me).

Used to 过去常常, 隐含的意思是现在的情况已经不同。例如:

She used to study very hard. ( She does not study so hard any more).

Used to 的否定形式是usedn’t to/ didn’t use to

注意:be used to sth/doing 表示习惯于….

7. Cooking was really fun as I learnt how to buy, prepare and cook food.


fun是名词,有趣的事情, 副词really并非修饰它,而是修饰前面的be动词was

试比较: He is really a funny guy. 和 He is a really funny guy.这两句意思虽然相同, 但really修饰的对象不同,因此说话的侧重点也不同。

8. I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your article.



9. Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.


介词upon/ on加doing相当于带as soon as 的时间状语从句。

Upon finishing his study=As soon as he finished his study

10. Former student return from China


former, past, old 虽然都和过去有关,但 侧重点不同。 former:“过去曾经是...的、 前任….”, past: “过去的” old“老的、从前的”。例如: former president前总统,past experience以往的经验,my old school我的母校。

11. earn, achieve和gain

这三个单词的基本意思都是“get”但含义不尽相同, earn :get as the reward of work(挣,得到…作为工作的回报), achieve :get what you want by effort(成就,通过努力达到某个目标), gain和“get”的用法最接近,它对得到的方法和内容都没有具体要求。常见搭配:

earn money/ a living/ one’s respect/ one’s bread, achieve a gaol/ success/ purpose/ high grade, gain experience/ weight/ an advantage over/ time/ the upper hand( 占上风)/ ground(取得进步).



用来说明主句中某一名词或代词(有时也可说明整个主句或主句中一部分)而起定语作用的句子叫作定语从句。定语从句的作用和作定语的形容词、介词词组、分词词组相似,有时可以相互转换,例如:金发女孩可译作a blonde girl ,a girl with blonde hair或a girl who has blonde hair。定语从句通常由关系代词that/ which/ who/ whom/ which/ as或关系副词when/ where/ why引导,这些词既指代主句中要说明的名词或代词, 又充当从句中的某个句子成分。请看例句:

1.Tom is the only person who can keep a cool head in time of crisis.(who指代主句中的先行词person,在从句中作主 语)

2.Tom is the only friend whom(或who) I can rely on. (指代friend,在从句中作宾 语, 所以常用代词who的宾格形式).

3.China is no longer the weak nation that she used to be. (关系代词that指代weak nation,在从句中作表语)

4.The school whose floor space is very limited can’t take in one more student. (关系代词whose指代the school’s ,从句中作floor space的定语)

5.I like to go to the gym where I can have a work-out after sittiong for a day. (关系副词where指代主句中的地点状语gym 在从句中作状语)


Skimming & Scanning

Skimming略读,skim原意是轻轻掠过表面,作为阅读技巧是指通过浏览文章标题,主题句,插图和图表等方法了解文章的大意。 Skan, 本意是扫描,这里指用眼光快速扫视书报等材料寻找我们想要的信息。他们的区别在于Skimming是为了了解文章的大意,而Scanning是为了寻找某些具体信息。Skimming & Scanning都是快速阅读的重要策略,也是信息时代我们必备的技能。尤其是在阅读英语时,注重练习Skimming & Scanning可以帮助克服逐字逐句的阅读习惯(如finger-point reading, lip reading),提高阅读速度。



My School Day

I leave home at 6:45 and walk 20 minutes to ______(赶) a bus to school. The bus is a special one just for kids going to my school. The _______(路程) on the bus takes an hour because it has to keep stopping to pick up other students along the way.

When I arrive at school, I______(领取) my Tablet PC from the Flexi (Flexiable Learning Centre). Then I go to my Tutor Room for Registration at 8:30. We listen to announcements to see what special things are happening at school today or this week.

At about 8:50 we leave Tutor Room to go to our First Period. Every day I have a different Lesson the first period. Normally it is Humanities but I also have Maths, Drama and Music, and French on the other days. Each period lasts an hour.

All my lessons are in different rooms and places around the school. Each Room either has a three_____(位) number or a name. The numbers are very hard to remember!. I have different teachers for each lesson. I have a _______(存物柜) where I can store some of my stuff but otherwise I have to carry it all around with my in my bags.

Swipe Cards

Every Student carries a swipe card. We swipe into every lesson to let the school know that we have _____(参加) that certain lesson and to know where we are in case of emergencies.

On the Swipe Card there are two stripes, a black and a brown. The brown is to swipe into lessons and the black is to get into the toilets and buildings.

We can put money on our Swipe cards instead of carrying cash around. When we want to pay for snacks at the Tuck Shop or canteen we just hand over our cards and they deduct the money.


Maths, English Science ICT

Drama Music Art PE

Humanities (History, Geography, and Religion) French or Spanish

Time Table

9:00 1st Period

10:00 2nd Period

11:00 - 11:20 Break

During break, I have a snack and play and chat with my friends. Usually we play IT a chasing game. Snow ball fight when it snows is dead fun.

11:20 3rd Period

12:30 4th Period

1:30 - 2:10 Lunch

I bring a packed lunch to school but occasionally I have school dinners in the School______(食堂).

2:10 5th Period

3:10 End of School

Sometimes I stay after school for clubs.


The Canteen is open at Lunch Time and Break Time. Most hot food is served only at lunch time. Chips are only_______(买的到) on Mondays and Fridays.


一、 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空:

1.I still remember the time _______ I first became a high school student.

2. There are many places in London _______ you can buy a cup of coffee.

3. That is the reason _____ he is so keen on school activities.

4. China is a country_______ history can be dated back to 3000 BC.

5. He is driving a car ______ can travel at 150 mile per hour.

6. He has to fly to all the major cities of the world ______ his company has set up offices.

7. The lady _____ we met in the bar is eyeing us from the corner .

8.We are facing the same problem ____ we did years ago.


1. The anti-Japanese aggression war broke out on July the 7th. It lasted for eight years.

2. On his website we saw some photos. Mr. Lee took these photos in Europe.

3. On the way to school I saw some trees. Their leaves were eaten up by insects.

4. Shelley likes to spend her leisure time in the students’ union. She can meet many international students there.

5. Jane’s father wants her to be a singer. He himself has always wanted to be a singer himself.



1. when 2. where/in which 3. why 4. whose 5. which/that 6. where 7. whom/who 8. as


1. The anti-Japanese aggression war which lasted for eight years broke out on July the 7th.

2. On his website we saw some photos which Mr. Lee took in Europe.

3. On the way to school, I saw some trees whose leaves were eaten up by insects.

4. shelley likes to spend her leisure time in the students’ union where she can meet many internatioal students.

5. Jane’s father wants her to be the singer that he himself has always wanted to be.